
The testing pyramid

How to structure your test suite 🗼

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The Testing Pyramid (also known as Cohn Pyramid) is a concept that visualizes the ideal distribution of different types of tests within a testing strategy. It resembles a pyramid with three layers: Unit at the base, followed by Service in the middle, and finally, User Interface tests on top.


Unit Tests

Ideally between 50-60% of all tests in our system should belong to this category. They are fast, focused, and inexpensive to maintain.

Service Tests

A range of 20-40% is a good number of tests that should belong to this category. They are broader in scope than unit tests and may involve testing across multiple layers of the application, such as testing database interactions or API endpoints.

UI Tests

About 0-10% of all tests should belong to this category. They are the slowest and most brittle tests to write and maintain, but they provide the highest level of confidence by simulating real user scenarios.


The Testing Pyramid promotes a balanced testing strategy where the majority of tests are fast, focused, and inexpensive to maintain (Unit tests), while fewer tests are allocated to higher layers (Service and UI tests). This approach ensures efficient test coverage while minimizing the time and effort required for testing, ultimately leading to faster feedback cycles and more robust software.

Remember which kind of project you are - you won't have the same testing strategy approach whether the project you are working on is legacy or greenfield. Depending on it, those values may vary.

In legacy projects coupled with third-party libraries (like the database), sometimes it is tough to write unit tests. The recommendation is to follow the inverse order, I mean, to not break the current functionality, due to the fragility, it might be worth writing first a Service or UI tests, and having this security net, you can then refactorize the code and finally write the unit tests. Writing these more general tests will also bring you experience in how everything interacts in the application domain.