
📃 Experience logo |

Berlin, Germany

  • Rewriting the shop from scratch and migrating the old code to the new one
  • Improve the design of the customers' package customization screen
  • Maintenance and bug fixing

Skills: PHP · Symfony · CakePHP · Docker

procuros logo


Hamburg, Germany · Remote

  • Suggest ideas to improve the application architecture based on modules
  • Created a new connector, which allowed data transmission between the provider and the client

Skills: PHP · Laravel · Docker

realtainment logo


Berlin, Germany

  • Decoupled domain from infrastructure, wrote tests and sort classes by modules
  • Organised internal tech talks and katas

Skills: PHP · Symfony · Docker · Apache Kafka

kollex logo

Kollex GmbH

Berlin, Germany

  • Worked in a eCommerce Shop built on Symfony using CQRS
  • Exported and imported CSV files to an S3 bucket

Skills: PHP · Symfony · Docker · MySQL · PostgreSQL

selectra logo


Madrid, Spain

  • Worked on multiple projects fixing bugs and implementing new features
  • Organised tech talks and small katas

Skills: PHP · Laravel · Docker · MySQL · Redis

smile and learn logo

Smile And Learn

Madrid, Spain

  • Exported and imported CSV files
  • Generated PDFs with pictures and tables populated from the DB

Skills: PHP · JavaScript · Laravel · VueJS · MySQL

rad4m logo

RAD4M · Internship

Cracow, Poland

  • Developed an Android app with native components & 3rd party libraries like Maps

Skills: Kotlin · Android · MySQL · Git

byprox logo

BYPROX · Internship

Murcia, Spain

  • Developed an Android dating app with a swiping system + multiple screens

Skills: PHP · Java · Android · MySQL